
Sample of artworks

Type: Painting
Country: Greece
Creator: : Ludovico Lipparini
Year: 1844


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Type: Painting
Country: France
Creator: : Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
Year: before 1927


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Type: Painting
Country: Greece
Creator: : Sir Charles Lock Eastlake
Year: 1833


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Type: Short story
Country: Italy
Creator: : Luigi Pirandello
Year: 1902


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Type: Poem (Sonnet)
Country: Italy
Creator: : Ugo Foscolo
Year: 1802-1803


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Type: Movie
Country: Turkey
Creator: : Şerif GÖREN
Year: 1979


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About the project

This partnership was triggered by the difficulty our schools and adult education centres face regarding the inclusion of newly arrived refugees. Some of our non-migrant students have difficulty accepting refugees in our classes and radicalization of both local youth and adults is taking place.


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Read everything you need to know about the TLTAE methodology and how to apply it to your classroom. You will also find lesson plans in 5 languages and a template lesson plan with detailed instructions.

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Teachers training course

on the Transformative Learning Through Aesthetic Experience methodology

If you want to train your colleagues or staff into the LTLAE methodology then our teacher training course is what you need.

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